January 26, 2023
January 26, 2023
The members of the Association rely on each persons integrity. Members are relied upon to take personal entrepreneurships with any lead they receive through the SCTA.
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Review of New Members Policy
Renewing Members Policy
All members in good standing (not in default for attendance) at the end of a calendar year will be allowed to renew the following year uncontested for their membership category. Renewing members must return their completed application and sign their code of conduct and pay their membership dues by the end of the first meeting of the year. If not paid at the first meeting due to lack of attendance, trade (or member) will be given until the end of January. If not received by the last day of January the membership category is considered open and the membership committee will be allowed to vet and fill a new member for that trade (or member category). The Annual Leadership and Board of Directors of the association have the sole and final discretion as it relates to acceptance of renewal applications, based upon the code of conduct, member interactions, and performance in the industry.
New Members Dues Policy
Dues for new members joining after January 1st will be handled as follows:
Policy for a Member in Default Due to Attendance
Note: A member may be considered to rejoin the association the following year
or “down the road” by the membership committee.