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SCTA 2025 Membership Application

Annual Membership fee is $600.00 per company for the first category and $300 for a second category. Membership it is not prorated, and annual renewal is DUE by the January meeting.
Name of the company representative who would be attending SCTA events and will be speaking on behalf of the company.
Provide Two References / Provide Name, Company, Phone Number and Email



Members are accepted in the organization as the only representative of a particular trade or business category. Members should represent their primary professional focus. Members are expected to be engaged in the SCTA Chapter by participating with regular attendance at all events, bringing qualified leads, and providing referrals. Members that wish to change their category must submit a new membership application for approval.


Confidentiality is first and foremost the utmost importance among our Association Members. Extreme caution should be exercised when discussing leads with individuals outside of the Association, including suppliers and manufacturers. We do not wish to jeopardize, in any manner, our Association and/or lead generators.

***Information obtained through the SCTA is to be kept confidential and conversations relating to prospective leads must only be discussed with other members of SCTA.***

The members of this Association rely on each person’s integrity. Members are relied upon to take personal ownership with any lead they receive through the SCTA. As a member you have read and understand the CODE OF CONDUCT. You must have the authority within your company to ensure decisions and responses are made in a timely manner. Your actions are a reflection on the Southern California Trades Association as a whole.

  • Your attendance to the monthly meetings, special events, and annual builder event are expected as part of each company’s membership. However, we recognize situations occur and allow each company the opportunity to have another representative from its company to take your place when necessary.
  • A member is allowed two absences on a yearly basis. A third absence in a calendar year will open-up the member’s category and allow the membership category to be filled by another company.
  • Visitors attending meetings from the same company are allowed and encouraged.
  • Members must contact the Membership Committee if they want to bring a guest. All guests need to be vetted for conflicts before they come to a meeting.

Members must arrive on time and stay for the entire published meeting time.

Should this Code of Conduct not be adhered to by an Association Member, the Association’s Board of Officers has the authority to ask the member to resign from the Association. In the event a member is asked to resign that member agrees to keep confidential any information obtained through the Southern California Trades Association

I __________________________, a representative of______________________________, agree by signing 1this document that you have read and agree to the Southern California Trades Association Code of Conduct.

Review of New Members Policy

  • The completed application goes to the membership committee to be
  • Membership Committee to notify leadership that they have received a
    new membership application.
  • The vetting process includes a review of conflicting membership
    categories by the membership committee as a group, a review of the
    applicant in other areas like performance and reputation, and, if
    necessary, a review of the references provided.
  • Upon acceptance, the membership committee will send an approved
    application and a recommendation to the Annual Leadership VP (in
    charge of committees) with a cc to other Annual Leadership members.
  • Annual Leadership are to review the membership committee's
    recommendation and take action as necessary.
  • The secretary will notify the applicant if they have been approved and will
    provide payment information for membership.
  • The process should take less than 2 weeks.
  • Once membership dues have been paid, the Secretary will send the
    Welcome Letter and add them to the Roster.
  • Membership dues must be received before attendance at another

Renewing Members Policy

All members in good standing (not in default for attendance) at the end of a calendar year will be allowed to renew the following year uncontested for their membership category. Renewing members must return their completed application and sign their code of conduct and pay their membership dues by the end of the first meeting of the year. If not paid at the first meeting due to lack of attendance, trade (or member) will be given until the end of January. If not received by the last day of January the membership category is considered open and the membership committee will be allowed to vet and fill a new member for that trade (or member category). The Annual Leadership and Board of Directors of the association have the sole and final discretion as it relates to acceptance of renewal applications, based upon the code of conduct, member interactions, and performance in the industry.

 New Members Dues Policy

Dues for new members joining after January 1st will be handled as follows:

  • January 1 to June 30th – Pay full membership for a year.
  • July 1 to August 30th – Pay full membership for current year and
    membership for the following year.
  • September 1 to December 31st – Pay prorated membership for the current
    year and membership for the following year.

Policy for a Member in Default Due to Attendance

  • Any member who misses three monthly membership meetings in one
    calendar year will be in default and lose their member in good standing
  • As a courtesy, the association’s leadership may send a warning email
    notifying the company after a second missed membership meeting.
  • Members who are no longer in good standing will receive a formal notice
    of the change in status from the association’s leadership.
  • Members no longer in good standing will stop receiving regular
    communications from the association, and their company will be removed
    from the association’s website.
  • The Trade Category for Members no longer in good standing will be
    considered open, and the membership committee will be allowed to fill
    the trade or member category with a new member.
  • No refund of membership dues will be processed.


Note: A member may be considered to rejoin the association the following year
or “down the road” by the membership committee.